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The Perfect Family Christmas Photo!

by - January 06, 2010

Each year at our Christmas Eve service we have someone take family photos and our church mails them out shortly after Christmas as a thank you for coming. Well, our photo didn't turn out so well. In fact the guy taking the pictures snapped a bunch hoping to get one good one. He just sent us all the pictures so we put them together as a slideshow to share with everyone. Please note it was after Hazyl's bed time and she did not want her picture taken and don't miss Daylia's attempt at a perfect pose through the entire ordeal. These pictures are in the exact order they were taken including the attempted switch of children from one parent to the other (still didn't work). ENJOY!

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  1. This slideshow was perfect. Thanks a million for sharing. We haven't had a family picture in since my son born...He is 7 and my little girl is 3. So not to be a party pooper...but It wont get much easier anytime soon. I think it is PERFECT...Definately a smile maker! Still prayin' for all of you. God Bless and take care. If ya'll ever need anything...I'm here!!

  2. It was funny enough to see it in person, but these pictures capture it so well. Love you all.
